focus on public budgets, human rights based approach, peace and security






We provide...

Analysis, tools and capacity buildning -
for improved human rights




Human Rights
Based Approach

Of governments and civil society - with a focus on accountability, transparency, human rights systems, and peace and security.


Goverment Policy/ Budget Monitoring

Holding workshops, developing tools and materials on public policy, including budget, monitoring together with civil society organisations and government officials.


msc logo

MSC provides analysis, capacity building and
method development within the areas of:

* Public budget analysis and transparency
* Children's human rights
* Civil Society
* Gender equality
* Government policy analysis and monitoring
* Human Rights Based Approach
* Human rights systems
* Peace buildning and human security

Click map to see the Open Budget Survey 2021 results:Open Budget Index map 2021 Open Budget Index 2021

Click here to see a video about the
Open Budget Survey
results in the following Swedish development cooperation countries in 2017-2021.

Open Budget Survey in Swedish Development Cooperation Countries